“So what do you do?”

September 21, 2016 § 3 Comments


It’s true isn’t it? When someone’s motivation is clear and bright, it shines out of them like the Starship Enterprise’s tractor beam. 

Discovering my “Big Why” has been an ongoing quest for many years and maybe it always will be. But I got an opportunity to untangle my “Current Why” one evening last month.

Clare M, midwife of visions, swung round and we spent an evening with markers and a large sheet of wallpaper.  She methodically posed a set of questions; some rapid, some deep, all provoking.

Toward the end, we stood up and role-played my current need: introducing myself in conversation. Who am I? What am I doing!? Reply out loud, cringe and try again.

With regular practice in a co-working space (and an appearance on national TV!) I am starting to present myself more accurately and courageously, letting the baggage slowly fall away.


Using my design background, I’m currently working
on a web app to ask people how they feel
leading to a tool for emotional intelligence.

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